Human Resource Services

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions - Workers' Compensation



I have been injured on the job, what do I do?

If you have been injured on the job and are in need of immediate medical treatment call 911 or seek medical treatment.  Notify your supervisor as soon as possible after the injury occurs.


When do I file a WSU Online Incident Report?

Timing is everything: WSU policy, SPPM 2.24.1, requires that all (major and minor) illnesses/injuries be reported within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.

Per WSU policy, reportable incidents consist of:

Injury: Any wound or damage to the body resulting from an instantaneous event. Examples include; cuts, bruises, contusions, chipped teeth, amputations, insect bites, electrocutions, burns sprains, and sprain injuries to muscles, joints, and connective tissues resulting from a slip, trip, or fall.

Illness: A condition resulting from chronic exposure to the work and/or academic environment.  Examples include: musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome), skin disorders, respiratory conditions, and noise-induced hearing loss.


When do I submit a Supervisors Investigation Report?

The Supervisors Investigation Report should be submitted if the employee receives medical treatment, if the employee is unable to work the next full or subsequent shift(s) as a result of an injury or illness, and/or if the events and conditions involving a near miss or minor accident indicate the most likely injury or illness would have been serious.


How do I file a claim with Washington State Labor & Industries?

You have up to one year from the date of injury or two years if an exposure. You can file a claim with Labor & Industries three different ways:

  • At your health care provider's office you can complete a Report of Industrial Insurance or Occupational Disease.  
  • Online directly with Labor & Industries (L&I).
  • By calling L&I at 1-877-561-FILE 


Who makes the determination if my claim is approved?

WSU is state insured with L&I.  Once all required information is submitted L&I will make a determination as to if a claim will be approved and the benefit amount.


What do I do if I have restrictions or miss time from work due to my injury?

If you have sustained a work place injury or illness and need to miss time from work or have work restrictions due to your injury or illness, it is necessary that you contact Human Resource Services(HRS) immediately.  You may be asked to provide medical certification from your health care provider to support your period of leave and/or limitations.


How do I complete my time/leave report when I am off work due to my work place injury?

In the event that you need to seek medical treatment and or medical certification from your health care provider supports a period of leave, you can use your accrued leave: sick leave, annual leave, and/or leave without pay. Contact HRS Disability Services for additional assistance.


Can I have Shared Leave while I am off work for a work related injury?

If your claim has been approved by L&I you are not eligible for Shared Leave.  If your claim is denied and you meet the Shared Leave eligibility criteria, you can apply for Shared Leave directly with HRS.


Do I need a release from my health care provider before returning to work if I missed work due to my work place injury?

Yes. WSU cannot allow you to return to work without the release of your health care provider.  Therefore, prior to your return you must submit a release to HRS. 






HRS Disability Services Contacts


Workers' Compensation Homepage 

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) prohibits employers and other entities covered by GINA Title II  from requesting or requiring genetic information of an individual or family member of the individual. To comply with this law, we are asking that you do not provide any genetic information when responding to this request for medical information. “Genetic information” as defined by GINA includes an individual’s family medical history, the results of an individual’s or family member’s genetic tests, the fact that an individual or an individual’s family member sought or received genetic services, and genetic information of a fetus carried by an individual or an individual’s family member or an embryo lawfully held by an individual or family member receiving assistive reproductive services”

Human Resource Services, PO Box 641014, Pullman WA 99164-1014, 509-335-4521, Contact Us